Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a dermatological operation involving the transfer and grafting of small areas of scalp, or hair bulbs alone, from a hairy area to a less hairy area.

The transplantation can take place by means of donations or by auto-transplantation, i.e. the bulbs are extracted from the patient himself and are grafted back into the deficient areas. This procedure can be performed both to treat male and female pattern baldness, and to treat hair loss due to other causes of congenital origin.

As in dermatology, during hair transplant examinations and operations, light is crucial: it must help both in the analysis and in the precise observation of the skin and hair. The lighting must be strong and decisive and the light beam must not change, it must not create shadows in the case of objects being placed between the beam and the work surface. RIMSA lamps are characterized by a special technology that guarantees a direct and constant light beam throughout the entire duration of the task.

The optimal RIMSA lamp for hair transplantation is the Prima-Fix medical lamp. The Prima-Fix lamp has a comfortable 3 joints arm that allows the doctor to easily direct the light in the most comfortable way during an operation, while guaranteeing a stable structure.

  • dermatologia primafix


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