Tradition for innovation.

RIMSA, acronym for “Riparazione Macchine da Scrivere e Affini”, was founded in 1936 by Palmino Longoni. Since then, RIMSA has always been headed by the Longoni family, today in its fourth generation.
Passion, competence and foresight are the elements that have allowed the company to remain a staple on the market, by adapting its products to the evolution of times.
The company is certified ISO 9001, 13485 and 14001.
In 2002 we developed the world’s first LED operating theatre lamp, at a time when this technology was still in its infancy.
Backed by its history, traditions and pride, RIMSA has always put “Uniqueness” at the centre of its organization, based on the promotion of human resources, technological updating, “simple” management, and product quality.
All these elements together lead to the achievement of the corporate purpose, identified as follows: continuity and development of the Company, professional growth, research, innovation, and acquisition of new markets.
All these elements together lead to the achievement of the corporate purpose, identified as follows: continuity and development of the Company, professional growth, research, innovation, and acquisition of new markets.
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