Abdominal and Thoracic surgery

Abdominal surgery deals with all operations involving the tissues and organs in the abdominal cavity. The most commonly used technique is laparoscopy, which allows surgery through small, non-invasive incisions in the abdominal wall.

Thoracic surgery deals with operations involving the lungs, the esophagus, the trachea and the large bronchi, excluding the heart and ascending aorta, which are dealt with by cardiac surgery.

In abdominal and thoracic surgery, it is important to have the right combination of lamps so that the cavities in which the surgeons operate are clearly lit.

In the operating theater, lighting remains a crucial aspect for the success of the operation itself. RIMSA offers lamps that are best suited for this type of operation. They provide deep illumination capable of reaching even the most hidden of parts. Thanks to the work and experience developed over all these years, RIMSA lamps meet medical-surgical needs by ensuring maximum performance at every stage of the operation.

RIMSA medical lamps provide intense and precise light with a long service life. Thanks to RIMSA patented anti-glare and anti-reflection technology, these lamps eliminate all shadows and glare and ensure constant illumination. The light beam therefore remains constant. The LED light ensures continuity and a correct temperature that prevents dehydration of the illuminated tissues.

For general surgery, we suggest these combinations:


Abdominal and Thoracic Surgery Lamps

Below you will find the individual lamps suggested for abdominal and thoracic surgery and their characteristics.
  • cardiochirurgia
  • cardiochirurgia unica 520
  • cardiochirurgia u29
  • chirurgia addominale e toracica penta 63n


All medical and surgical information provided is for informational purposes only. Rimsa disclaims all liability for its accuracy and applicability.