Antimicrobial paint and new wheels on RLBI
Asepsis is essential in the OT room, and constant improvement is necessary to make every single object that enters this environment as sterile as possible. Following this principle, by the end of last year RIMSA’s in-house painting department implemented antimicrobial paint for our surgical lamps. This new paint offers lasting and effective protection against harmful bacteria, and better looking surfaces for longer periods of time.
If you have not watched it yet, here’s our paiting video on YouTube!
We’ve also improved our RLBI mobile stand for the Observa Series, to make it more versatile and easier to move.
The stand rod now comes divided in two portions: according to your needs, you can decide to assemble the mobile stand using just the upper portion of the rod.
In doing so, the mobile stand will reach the ideal height for fields such as gynaecology and podiatry.
To further help you position the lamp exactly where you need, we’ve introduced another minor enhancement to our mobile stand: brand new wheels!
With these new wheels, movements are smoother than ever before, not to mention the added shiny aesthetic.
CATEGORIA: News/ Technologies